
Important Message from National Institutes of Health

Beacon Faculty Capital Faculty Potsdam Faculty

All Faculty: Higher education research institutions have been recently notified from National Institutes of Health (NIH) advising that threats to the integrity of U.S. biomedical research exists. There is evidence that some foreign entities have attempted to influence NIH researchers and peer reviewers. The areas of concern include: intellectual property, sharing of confidential information on grant […]

Evacuation Procedures for Persons with Disabilities

Beacon Faculty Beacon Graduate Students Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

EVACUATION PROCEDURES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES The following is a general guideline of evacuation procedures during fire and other building emergencies.  It also addresses non-emergency situations. All persons are encouraged to identify primary and secondary evacuation routes.  Each evacuation route must lead to an exit or to a safe area.  After identifying two evacuation routes, persons in fixed

Course Enrollment Reminders

Beacon Faculty Capital Faculty Potsdam Faculty

Please keep the following things in mind throughout the fall term.  Contact SAS if you have any questions. Attendance Per University Regulations III-F (Attendance), course instructors are requested to report 3 consecutive absences to the Dean of Students’ office, in order to provide a minimal check on the physical and academic well-being of the student. This

NEXT WEEK Student Center Annual Fire Alarm Testing

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Please be aware. On Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 6:00 a.m., NCC Systems will complete the final phases of the annual fire alarm inspection of the Student Center. As part of the inspection, the audible alarm and flashing strobes will need to be activated to ensure they work properly. Our apologies this must be done at such an early

New Clarkson IRB Chair

Beacon Faculty Beacon Graduate Students Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Clarkson’s Sponsored Research Services writes to notify the Clarkson community of a change in our Institutional Review Board (IRB). The chair of the IRB is now Christina Xydias, Associate Professor of Political Science ( Our previous chair, Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Professor of Communication and Media, has moved into the role of assistant IRB chair. The IRB

Professional Experience Process in Handshake

Beacon Faculty Beacon Graduate Students Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

As you may already know, Clarkson Career Center has transitioned to utilizing Handshake in place KnightLink. Over the past few weeks, our office has been working diligently to update and finalize the professional experience process in the Handshake system. At this time, the process is complete and should work in a very similar manner to

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