
New Clarkson IRB Chair

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Clarkson’s Sponsored Research Services writes to notify the Clarkson community of a change in our Institutional Review Board (IRB). The chair of the IRB is now Christina Xydias, Associate Professor of Political Science ( Our previous chair, Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Professor of Communication and Media, has moved into the role of assistant IRB chair. The IRB

Clarkson University’s Summer Research and Project Showcase (RAPS)

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Friday, July 27, 2018 Snell Hall & Cheel Campus Center We cordially invite the Clarkson Community to attend the Summer Research and Project Showcase (RAPS). RAPS provides a forum for Clarkson University undergraduate and graduate students to present their diverse summer projects to a broad audience. The conference will begin with opening remarks at 8:15

Servery Closure Today July 12

All Announcements

Today we had closed the Servery to prepare for events taking place in the Student Center. Unfortunately, we did not prepare enough options to be available in Java City for lunch. I sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. I welcome you to come by tomorrow for lunch as we will be issuing a free meal ticket

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