Human Resources

2018 Clarkson Fall Mixer

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​Clarkson University will be hosting a fall mixer in Schenectady for the Potsdam, Beacon and Capital Region faculty and staff. This is a great opportunity to meet your colleagues and build relationships across all campuses. Please join us for an evening of drinks and food. Event Details: When: November 7, 2018 ​Location:  Firestone 151​ Bar […]


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All Staff & Their Managers: Friendly reminder: Please remember to submit your first self-assessment for the fiscal year of 2018-2019 before October 15. Keep in mind, the October 15 deadline also includes the completion of the manager review with the employee. This process now involves the use of a new electronic evaluation form. You can

10/3/18 AFLAC Campus Presentations

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James Martin our AFLAC representative will be here on campus holding presentations on the policies available to you and your families. If you are interested in hearing more about it please stop by one of the below sessions. Wednesday October 3, 2018 Multi-purpose Rooms AB – Student Center 10:30 am – 11:30 pm 1:00 pm

Annual Creditable Coverage Medicare Notice

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This is a government required annual notification regarding your prescription drug coverage and Medicare.  Please disregard this notice if you or an enrolled family member are not Medicare eligible. Important Notice from Clarkson University About Your Prescription Drug Coverage and Medicare Please read this notice carefully and keep it where you can find it. This notice has information about

Reminder Online Fire Safety Training Needs to be Completed ASAP

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Human Resources and Environmental Health & Safety are excited to kick off the month of September with Fire Safety training (if not completed, please do so asap). This training will create awareness about the dangers of fire, discuss best practices for responding to alarms and practicing preparedness through drills. To access the training modules, please log

New staff – Division of Student Affairs

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The Division of Student Affairs is pleased announce the addition of new staff members, as well as recent promotions. Please join me in welcoming our new members to the Clarkson Community and congratulating our current staff on their new roles. AccessABILITY Services Jessica Ayott, Coordinator   Campus Safety & Security  Gerald Bova,  Safety & Security

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