
Last Day to Register – Valuing Startups Badge!

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Register today for the Valuing Startups Badge! For those interested in how investors value startups and want to learn more about the tools used, complete the pre-registration form (https://forms.gle/dRdLfsNWKvGewxyGA). Asynchronous course content will open October 1st and will take approximately 3hrs to complete. The badge is completed with a final in-person case-study session led by industry expert David Heacock […]

Activate your FREE AMA Membership

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

In August we announced a special partnership with the American Management Association International® (AMA), an international, nonprofit educational organization with 95+ years of experience in training business professionals and organizations worldwide.  Through this partnership, Clarkson University is pleased to offer our faculty, staff, students and alumni:  Complimentary AMA membership (a $250 value); Access to free

Clarkson Ignite – Looking for Badging Intern

Undergrad Students

Ignite is looking to hire an undergraduate Micro-Credentials and Badging intern. Eligible candidates must be graduating in December 2021 or May 2022 as this role will ideally transition into an Ignite Graduate Fellowship. This internship is a part-time/10 hours per week position where the intern will shadow and be trained by the current Ignite Graduate Fellow for badges. More information and the instructions

Clarkson Partners with the American Management Association to Provide Career Development Tools

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Clarkson University is proud to announce a unique partnership with the American Management Association International® (AMA), an international, nonprofit educational organization with 95+ years of experience in training business professionals and organizations worldwide.  AMA’s learning resources and instructor-led training are top-notch. We have curated 15 top courses and secured complimentary AMA individual membership (a $250 value) for all

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