Sponsored Research Services Congratulates student Nathalie Barrios

With special thanks to the Provost’s Office for support in this award, Sponsored Research Services would like to congratulate Clarkson University undergraduate student Nathalie Barrios on her recent research award “Can upright posture decrease feelings of fatigue and depression in students who report feeling depressed?”  Ms. Barrios is advised by Dr. Ali Boolani, whose research focuses on ways to … Continue reading Sponsored Research Services Congratulates student Nathalie Barrios

Survey: St. Lawrence University Government Department Conducting Civic Engagement Research

Please take a few minutes out of your day to help a student finish senior research! This short and easy survey is only six questions long and the more participants that take it, the better this research will be.  Thank you for your help!  Reach out to Dr. Seija at jseija@stlawu.edu or Niamh Creedon-Carey at … Continue reading Survey: St. Lawrence University Government Department Conducting Civic Engagement Research

Survey: St. Lawrence University Government Department Conducting Civic Engagement Research

Please take a few minutes out of your day to help a student finish senior research! This short and easy survey is only six questions long and the more participants that take it, the better this research will be. Thank you for your help! Reach out to Dr. Seija at jseija@stlawu.edu or Niamh Creedon-Carey at … Continue reading Survey: St. Lawrence University Government Department Conducting Civic Engagement Research

Noyce Program Undergraduate Research Opportunity

1) The Noyce Program has an undergraduate research opportunity, starting immediately and lasting through June 30. We are looking for a student to assist with ongoing research initiatives that focus on STEM teaching and learning issues in high needs school districts. The student would be working with Drs. Rivera (Education), Kavanagh, Galluzzo (Mathematics), Ramsdell (Physics), … Continue reading Noyce Program Undergraduate Research Opportunity

Participate in a Research Project (keyboard typing data collection on desktop computers)

Dr. Daqing Hou, Dr. Mahesh Banavar, and Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University, perform research in the area of biometrics and are looking for subjects willing to participate in their research efforts.  You must be 18 years of age or older to participate.  The project involves the study of continuous human computing activity, specifically keyboard activity … Continue reading Participate in a Research Project (keyboard typing data collection on desktop computers)

Data Collection on Mobile Phones

Dr. Daqing Hou, Clarkson University, performs research in the area of biometrics and is looking for subjects willing to participate in his research efforts.  You must be >18 years of age to participate.  The project involves the study of continuous human computing activity, specifically keyboard activity to determine their effectiveness (either alone or in conjunction … Continue reading Data Collection on Mobile Phones

Undergraduate Faculty Research Awards

It is with great pleasure to announce the recipients of the 2020/21 undergraduate faculty research awards.  Members of the Senate Research and Intellectual Property Committee received and reviewed several proposals and thanks to the generous support of the Provost’s office, five proposal will be funded. The recipients and their respective research project titles are as … Continue reading Undergraduate Faculty Research Awards

ADK Semester Final Presentation – Mercury Accumulation in Vernal Pool of the ADK Mountains

Please join us to hear these presentations. Two versions are available – one on November 16 for a general audience, and another on November 17 for a more scientific audience.   Mercury Accumulation in Vernal Pools of the Adirondack Mountains and Upper St. Lawrence River Valley Tuesday, November 17, 2020 6:30 – 8:00 pm Via Zoom – Register Here Abstract: Over … Continue reading ADK Semester Final Presentation – Mercury Accumulation in Vernal Pool of the ADK Mountains

ADK Semester Final Presentation – Pools to People to Policy: A Story of Mercury in the Adirondacks

Please join us to hear these presentations. Two versions are available – one on November 16 for a general audience, and another on November 17 for a more scientific audience.   Pools to People to Policy: A Story of Mercury in the Adirondacks Monday, November 16, 2020 6:30 – 8:00pm Via Zoom – Register Here Abstract: Over the course of the … Continue reading ADK Semester Final Presentation – Pools to People to Policy: A Story of Mercury in the Adirondacks

Ignite Speaker Series – November 10, 2020 2 PM

Learn about EO processes developed by Dr. Yang Yang and his research team, and how they have recently been validated in real environments at pilot scales.