Opportunity to participate in biometric research as a subject

Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University, is performing biometric research and is looking for subjects willing to participate in the study titled ‘Performance and Security of Multimodal Biometrics’. This research involves the collection of fingerprints; all images will be collected over a series of 2 visits with standard biometric devices or devices made from commercially available components. In … Continue reading Opportunity to participate in biometric research as a subject

Data Collection on Mobile Phones

Dr. Daqing Hou, Clarkson University, performs research in the area of biometrics and is looking for subjects willing to participate in his research efforts.  You must be >18 years of age to participate.  The project involves the study of continuous human computing activity, specifically keyboard activity to determine their effectiveness (either alone or in conjunction … Continue reading Data Collection on Mobile Phones

Participate in a Research Project (keyboard typing data collection on desktop computers)

Dr. Daqing Hou, Dr. Mahesh Banavar, and Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University, perform research in the area of biometrics and are looking for subjects willing to participate in their research efforts.  You must be 18 years of age or older to participate.  The project involves the study of continuous human computing activity, specifically keyboard activity … Continue reading Participate in a Research Project (keyboard typing data collection on desktop computers)

Faculty Research Development Program

To help faculty successfully develop their research programs, Sponsored Research Services is hosting a series of virtual discussion group sessions. The session for November 13, 2020, (12 – 1:30 p.m.) is: NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program WorkshopPresented by Dr. Trish Lowney The discussion will provide information about the NSF CAREER proposal development process.     Join Zoom Meetinghttps://clarkson.zoom.us/j/99652087800 Meeting ID: 996 … Continue reading Faculty Research Development Program

Ignite Speaker Series – November 3, 2020 2 PM

This week’s Speaker Series will introduce you to the plague of harmful algae blooms caused by microbial Cyanobacteria. Join us on Zoom to discover the causes for these blooms and the best solutions for protecting our waters.

Participate in a Research Project (keyboard typing data collection on desktop computers

Dr. Daqing Hou, Dr. Mahesh Banavar, and Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University, perform research in the area of biometrics and are looking for subjects willing to participate in their research efforts.  You must be 18 years of age or older to participate.  The project involves the study of continuous human computing activity, specifically keyboard activity … Continue reading Participate in a Research Project (keyboard typing data collection on desktop computers

Data Collection on Mobile Phones

Dr. Daqing Hou, Clarkson University, performs research in the area of biometrics and is looking for subjects willing to participate in his research efforts.  You must be >18 years of age to participate.  The project involves the study of continuous human computing activity, specifically keyboard activity to determine their effectiveness (either alone or in conjunction … Continue reading Data Collection on Mobile Phones

Joint Seminar – Electrical & Computer Engineering and the Institute for a Sustainable Environment

Michael Sutton, Senior Operations Manager, Justin St John, Water Resource Manager &Julie Pelletier, Stakeholder Relations Manager of Brookfield Renewable Energy Will present a talk titled: Managing the Raquette River Abstract: Brookfield Renewable is the largest independent renewable energy generator across the North Country and has been the owner and operator in the region since 2004. In New York … Continue reading Joint Seminar – Electrical & Computer Engineering and the Institute for a Sustainable Environment

Participate in a Research Project (keyboard typing data collection on desktop computers)

Dr. Daqing Hou, Dr. Mahesh Banavar, and Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University, perform research in the area of biometrics and are looking for subjects willing to participate in their research efforts.  You must be 18 years of age or older and hold a valid US Social Security number to participate.  The project involves the study … Continue reading Participate in a Research Project (keyboard typing data collection on desktop computers)

Ignite Speaker Series – October 20, 2020 2 PM

In this week’s talk, Dr. Boolani will discuss feelings of energy and fatigue, and how predispositions to these moods manifest themselves uniquely in one’s gait and posture.