Ignite Speaker Series – October 13, 2020 2 PM

In this talk Dr. LaFay will discuss embedded physical therapy and telehealth and how these have led to creative and innovative solutions in this unprecedented time.

Ignite Speaker Series- October 6, 2020 @ 2 PM

How has the pandemic changed our mental health perceptions and services? Dr. Graveline addresses this and more in this week’s Ignite Speaker Series.


Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University, performs research in the area of biometrics and is looking for subjects willing to participate in her research efforts. You must be >18 years of age to participate. The project involves the study of continuous human computing activity, specifically mobile phone activity to determine their effectiveness (either alone or in conjunction … Continue reading PARTICIPANTS NEEDED FOR BIOMETRICS RESEARCH STUDY

Opportunity to participate in biometric research as a subject

Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University, is performing biometric research and is looking for subjects willing to participate in the study titled ‘Performance and Security of Multimodal Biometrics’. This research involves the collection of fingerprints; all images will be collected over a series of 2 visits with standard biometric devices or devices made from commercially available components. In … Continue reading Opportunity to participate in biometric research as a subject

Ignite Speaker Series- September 29, 2020 @ 2 PM

Sustainable Infrastructure with Dr. Robert Thomas The United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are blueprints for achieving a better and more sustainable future by addressing the myriad challenges we face as a global society such as failing infrastructure, changing climates, and the dwindling supply of natural resources. Dr. Robert Thomas studies concrete solutions to … Continue reading Ignite Speaker Series- September 29, 2020 @ 2 PM

Ignite Speaker Series- September 29, 2020 @ 2 PM

Dr. Robert Thomas’ research promotes sustainable and resilient infrastructure through advancements in concrete materials. Join us through Zoom for this talk where he will discuss how the UN SDGs intersect with sustainable infrastructure and materials, identify major challenges faced by the next generation, and show how advances in concrete materials technology can help overcome those challenges.

Ignite Speaker Series- September 22, 2020 @ 2 PM

How much we are really willing to pay for more resilient and sustainable electricity. Can a common energy vision be supported by the public, big energy interests, and governments? Join us on Zoom where Dr. Bird will examine these topics and share a glimpse of the potential future of the energy transition.

NSF MRI Internal Call for Expressions of Interest

Dear Faculty, Please see below for the NSF MRI Internal Call for Expressions of Interest procedure.  URL: https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5260  Full Proposal Window: January 1, 2021 – January 19, 2021 Scope: “The goal of the Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program is to increase access to shared-use/multi-user instrumentation for scientific and engineering research and research training. MRI is intended to be … Continue reading NSF MRI Internal Call for Expressions of Interest

Clarkson University 2020 Summer e-RAPS

The 2020 Summer Research and Project Showcase (RAPS) is scheduled for July 30th & 31st with awards for best presentations being announced the morning of August 1st at 9:00am EST. In an effort to protect the health and safety of participants, we will again be hosting a virtual RAPS program. Special awards for presentations highlighting … Continue reading Clarkson University 2020 Summer e-RAPS

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Membership

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) has a Vice Chair service opportunity for interested faculty, either currently serving on the institutional Review Board (IRB) or new to this endeavor. The IRB has the mandate of protecting the rights and welfare of humans who participate in research.  The IRB meets monthly to review protocols of faculty members or students wishing … Continue reading Institutional Review Board (IRB) Membership