Seeking participants for research to test the accuracy of virtual reality (VR) headsets for measuring neck motion and proprioception (body awareness of position in space). Earn $10 for about 1 hour of time.

Participants must be 18-30 years old and have no current neck pain, dizziness, or medical conditions that limit pain-free neck motion. The research is being done at the Health Science Campus, downtown. If you want more information or are interested in participating, please contact Taylor Mustizer for more information or to schedule a time:

Invitation to Participate in Biometrics Research Data Collection

Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University, is performing biometric research and are looking for subjects ages newborn-4 years old willing to participate in their research project titled “Biometric Aging” (IRB Approval #15-05).  The research involves the collection of measurements that can be used for identification, including fingerprint, footprint, hand/wrist vein image, voice recording, face image and … Continue reading Invitation to Participate in Biometrics Research Data Collection

Library Workshop: Optimizing Your Online Presence and Demonstrating Your Research Impact

Dear Clarkson faculty & Staff, REMINDER: The Clarkson University Libraries will host a workshop tomorrow for faculty, staff and graduate students regarding Optimizing Your Online Presence and Demonstrating Your Research Impact.  The workshop, planned for 5:30pm, will be in the Petersen Board Room or remotely via Zoom.  In today’s scholarly climate, it is more important … Continue reading Library Workshop: Optimizing Your Online Presence and Demonstrating Your Research Impact

Library Workshop: Optimizing Your Online Presence and Demonstrating Your Research Impact

Dear Clarkson Graduate Students, REMINDER: The Clarkson University Libraries will host a workshop tomorrow for faculty, staff and graduate students regarding Optimizing Your Online Presence and Demonstrating Your Research Impact.     The workshop, planned for 5:30pm, will be in the Petersen Board Room or remotely via Zoom.  In today’s scholarly climate, it is more important … Continue reading Library Workshop: Optimizing Your Online Presence and Demonstrating Your Research Impact

Graduate Workshop: Advanced Reading Strategies

The University Libraries will be continuing our Fall workshop series for Grad students with: Advanced Reading Strategies: Increasing the Efficiency of Scholarly Research TOMORROW! Tuesday, October 1st at 5pm – Peterson Board Room (New Snell Hall 3rd floor) Add to your Google Calendar  Learn how to maximize your reading efficiency! To achieve academic success it is crucial … Continue reading Graduate Workshop: Advanced Reading Strategies

Invitation to Participate in a Clarkson University Student Research Study

Hello fellow Clarkson University student, You are receiving this email because you are a student at Clarkson University. Our names are Annie Liu and Emma Cummings, we are both second year Physician Assistant students and would like to invite you to participate in our research project. This questionnaire is part of a study to fulfill … Continue reading Invitation to Participate in a Clarkson University Student Research Study

Invitation to serve as a reviewer for the 2020 Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

Program Directors of the Graduate Research Fellowship of the National Science Foundation recently sent out an email inviting faculty to consider volunteering service on the review panels for the program.  Laurel Kuxhaus, who is program director of Biomechanics & Mechanobiology at the NSF, asked me to forward this to other Clarkson faculty.   This is great … Continue reading Invitation to serve as a reviewer for the 2020 Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

Clarkson Woods Values, Uses, and Recommendations for Management

Clarkson University owns and manages hundreds of acres of forested land adjacent to its hill campus, including the “Clarkson Woods” (also known as the “Back Forty” or “ROTC Woods”) and the Munter Trail along the Raquette River. Together, these sites contain a high degree of biodiversity across diverse ecosystems, including vernal pools, beaver wetlands, riparian … Continue reading Clarkson Woods Values, Uses, and Recommendations for Management

Undergraduate Research Assistants Needed

Dr. Stephanie Schuckers is looking for enthusiastic undergraduate students to serve as paid research assistants in the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR), located at Camp 2211. The work will entail biometric data collection, requiring 5-10 hours per week on a set schedule based around the student’s class times. The positions will start immediately.  If … Continue reading Undergraduate Research Assistants Needed

Invitation to Participate in a Research Project

Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University, performs research in the area of biometrics and is looking for subjects willing to participate in her research efforts.  You must be >18 years of age to participate.  The project involves the study of continuous human computing activity, specifically keyboard activity to determine their effectiveness (either alone or in conjunction … Continue reading Invitation to Participate in a Research Project