David A. Walsh ’67 Seminar Series (Dr. Theodore Brown)

Arts & Sciences Walsh Seminar Series, Co-sponsored with Bioethics Minor Speaker Series Wednesday, April 19th at 12 pm Room: SC 362 or register to attend on Zoom BIOETHICS, BIOPSYCHOSOCIALISM, AND SOCIAL ETHICS Abstract: In the curricular economy of most American medical schools, bioethics as a subject of instruction has competed for the limited number of … Continue reading David A. Walsh ’67 Seminar Series (Dr. Theodore Brown)

Johns Hopkins Medical School University Professor to Present at Clarkson

Explaining the Decay of Nucleic Acid‐based Sensors Under Continuous Voltammetric Interrogation  Netz Arroyo, PhD (Netzahualcoyotl Arroyo‐Currás) will present the chemistry seminar on Friday, April 7 at Clarkson. Dr. Arroyo is an Associate Professor in Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine with a research focus on development of bio-sensing technologies for real-time molecular … Continue reading Johns Hopkins Medical School University Professor to Present at Clarkson

ChBE Seminar Series: Dr. Yayuan Liu, JHU Presenting on April 12th

Dr. Yayuan Liu from Johns Hopkins University to present during the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering’s seminar series on Monday 04/10/23 at 2:30p via Zoom (please see the attached PDF for zoom information). Dr. Liu will present on “Chemistries, Materials, and Processes for Electrochemical Carbon Capture”. Please see the presentation abstract and speaker bio in … Continue reading ChBE Seminar Series: Dr. Yayuan Liu, JHU Presenting on April 12th

ECE Seminar Wednesday, April 5

Electrical & Computer Engineering Seminar Yan Li, Assistant Professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Pennsylvania State University Will present a talk entitled: Enabling Resilient Cyber-Physical Microgrids Zoom Only: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/97883816982?pwd=SkFaQlUraW40QVByM2orS05FRU9RQT09 Wednesday April 5, 2023 4pm Abstract: The development of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) is seen as a great opportunity to achieve the target of modernizing the … Continue reading ECE Seminar Wednesday, April 5

ChBE Seminar Series: MS Candidate Md Akibur Rahman Presenting on April 10th

MS Candidate Md Akibur Rahman to present during the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering’s seminar series on Monday 04/10/23 at 2:30p on CAMP 175. Akibur will present on “Elucidating the impact of external mixing on the removal of model contaminants in a He-based radio frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet”. Please see the presentation abstract … Continue reading ChBE Seminar Series: MS Candidate Md Akibur Rahman Presenting on April 10th

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seminar, Friday 11am in CAMP 176

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Seminar Dr. Mohsen Moti-Shirazi Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering – Clarkson University Will present a talk titled: Vocal Fold Damage due to Compensation for Voice Disorders: Investigating Collision Pressure and Dissipated Power in Synthetic Models Abstract: The production of voiced speech is generated by the vibration of the vocal folds, which … Continue reading Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seminar, Friday 11am in CAMP 176

Indigenous Science Panel

March 31st – 5pm ERC Ignite Classroom 1501 The panel seeks to emphasize the importance and value of Indigenous Science through the experiences of Haudenosaunee Peoples that were educated, worked, or are working within the field of “Science.” Their Experiences will expose the challenges and opportunities within this field. The panel will be composed of: … Continue reading Indigenous Science Panel

ECE Seminar Wednesday, April 5

Electrical & Computer Engineering Seminar Yan Li, Assistant Professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Pennsylvania State University Will present a talk entitled: Enabling Resilient Cyber-Physical Microgrids Zoom Only: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/97883816982?pwd=SkFaQlUraW40QVByM2orS05FRU9RQT09 Wednesday April 5, 2023 4pm Abstract: The development of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) is seen as a great opportunity to achieve the target of modernizing the … Continue reading ECE Seminar Wednesday, April 5

ChBE Seminar Series: PhD Candidate Victor Fabiyi Presenting on April 3

PhD Candidate Victor Fabiyi to present during the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering’s seminar series on Monday 04/03/23 at 2:30p on CAMP 175. Victor will present on “Disparate Performance of Aqueous-based and Organic-based Dye-Sensitizing Solar Cells: Insights from Atomistic and Molecular Simulations”. Please see the presentation abstract and speaker bio in the attached PDF.

Mechanical and Aeropsace Engineering Seminar – March 31 – 11am in CAMP 176

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Seminar Ming-Cheng ChengElectrical and Computer Engineering, Clarkson University Will present a talk titled: Physics Simulations Enabled by Projection-based Learning and Domain Decomposition for Engineering and Science Applications Abstract: A physics-based learning methodology based on proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) has been investigated for simulation of physical problems in several areas in … Continue reading Mechanical and Aeropsace Engineering Seminar – March 31 – 11am in CAMP 176