ChBE Seminar Mar 13 (Wed)-2:30 pm-CAMP 194

Clarkson UniversityDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringSeminarpH-Mediated Electrochemical Precipitation of Scaling Ions in Reverse Osmosis ConcentrateSheraz Bashir AbstractIn recent years, brackish water desalination has gained recognition as a globally effective technology, particularly in arid inland regions, to ensure the production of reliable potable water supplies. Currently, reverse osmosis (RO), a pressure-driven membrane technology, dominates global … Continue reading ChBE Seminar Mar 13 (Wed)-2:30 pm-CAMP 194

David A Walsh Arts and Science Seminar talk this Friday March 15th at noon in Snell 212.

Clarkson UniversitySpring 2024 David A. Walsh‘67Arts & Sciences Seminar SeriesFriday, March 15th at 12pmRoom: Snell 212 Quantum CryptographyQuantum computers are never far from the news. There are new promises every day about how close they are to giving us fantastic new computational abilities. One application of this technology is in cryptography and code breaking. Quantum … Continue reading David A Walsh Arts and Science Seminar talk this Friday March 15th at noon in Snell 212.

CBE Seminar: Emma Russell

Clarkson UniversityDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringSeminar“How do you slice a column filled with packing?”Emma Russell AbstractThe use of non-equilibrium (NEQ) models (also widely known as Rate-Based models) for distillation has become increasingly common as such models can provide a more realistic model of real-world columns. For tray-columns there is a one-to-one correspondence between the … Continue reading CBE Seminar: Emma Russell

C3S2 Seminar Friday March 15th

C3S2 The Clarkson Center for Complex Systems Science Professor Bard Ermentrout, University of Pittsburgh Will present a talk entitled: Riding the Neural Waves: Mathematics of Nonlocally Coupled Waves in Active Media Abstract: Recent improvements in technology have enabled neuroscientists to simultaneously record activity of many neurons at high spatial and temporal resolution. This has allowed them to … Continue reading C3S2 Seminar Friday March 15th

Clarkson UniversitySpring 2024 David A. Walsh‘67Arts & Sciences Seminar SeriesFriday, March 8 at 12pmRoom: Snell 212 THE INVESTIGATION OF SERUM PROTEINS AS POTENTIAL BIOMARKERS FOR EARLIER BREAST CANCER DETECTION Breast cancer (BC) is a leading cause of death for women globally. An estimated 1 in 8 women in the world will develop BC in their … Continue reading

C3S2 Seminar Friday March 8th

C3S2 The Clarkson Center for Complex Systems Science Özge Canlı Usta, Research Associate, Clarkson University Will present a talk entitled: Detecting Cluster Synchronization via Causation Entropy in Chaotic Networks Abstract: The complex networks formed by interactions of identical or similar dynamical systems allow us to model various natural and artificial phenomena. It is not surprising that … Continue reading C3S2 Seminar Friday March 8th

ECE Seminar: Schuyler Matteson, Wednesday March 6th

Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar We Need a Plan for That: Solving Our Future Energy Issues Before They Happen Schuyler Matteson, PhDClean Energy Planning Lead, Office of Markets and InnovationNew York State Department of Public Service Abstract: Energy system development has traditionally been reactive in nature. We built new power lines or upgraded substations when new … Continue reading ECE Seminar: Schuyler Matteson, Wednesday March 6th

Clarkson University Institute for a Sustainability Environment Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Joint Seminar on Monday, March 4th, 2024 at 2:30 pm, Student Center Multipurpose Rooms

“Electrochemical Technologies toward Sustainability andCircular Economy” By Gerardine G. Botte, Ph.D.Professor and Whitacre Endowed Chair in Sustainable Energy, Chemical EngineeringDirector, CASFER (NSF Engineering Research Center)Director, Institute for Sustainability and Circular EconomyTexas Tech University Add to Calendar Abstract:Circularity and sustainability are typically used together and sometimes interchangeably leading to confusion and diluting the importance and value … Continue reading Clarkson University Institute for a Sustainability Environment Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Joint Seminar on Monday, March 4th, 2024 at 2:30 pm, Student Center Multipurpose Rooms

ECE Seminar: Schuyler Matteson

Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar We Need a Plan for That: Solving Our Future Energy Issues Before They Happen Schuyler Matteson, PhDClean Energy Planning Lead, Office of Markets and InnovationNew York State Department of Public Service Abstract: Energy system development has traditionally been reactive in nature. We built new power lines or upgraded substations when new … Continue reading ECE Seminar: Schuyler Matteson

ECE Seminar Friday March 1: Dr. Naeemul Hassan

Electrical and Computer Engineering SeminarComputational Journalism ResearchDr. Naeemul HassanUniversity of Maryland Abstract: Computational journalism is a relatively nascent research domain where journalistic problems are addressed using computation techniques, and, at the same time, computation techniques are audited using journalism values. In this talk, Dr. Naeemul Hassan will present the research projects done at the University … Continue reading ECE Seminar Friday March 1: Dr. Naeemul Hassan