Author name: Kelly Chezum

Hosting NYPA Gr 9-12 Event on Tuesday, Feb 25 – Updates about IRC and RoBro

All Announcements Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Clarkson University will be hosting with the New York Power Authority and its  “Power of Robotics” demonstration event for Grades 9-12 on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 in the Schuler Indoor Recreation Center (IRC).  Access to the IRC open floor spaces will be limited for an exhibition of drones and robots from 9am to 2pm that day.  All […]

Engaging in Political Activities

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Clarkson Community, As a matter of respecting the exercise of our First Amendment freedom, the University acknowledges  the efforts of any member of the Clarkson Community who wishes to participate in political activities  using personal time with personal resources. Good citizenship certainly starts with registering to vote, going to the polls and being informed. Some

Soliciting Your Ideas for Research and Project Opportunities in Congressionally Directed Spending and Other Corporate Relationship Building Priorities

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A year ago Clarkson initiated a process and opportunity for faculty to submit ideas for research projects, infrastructure projects, and/or educational and workforce development projects.  We are continuing this practice which can be found here.   We support scientific peer-review as the primary and preferred mechanism for allocating federal research support. However, the University also undertakes

NYSERDA RFI to Gauge Interest in Nuclear Energy Technologies

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NYSERDA has recently issued a Request for Information (RFI) to gauge market interest in activities to develop advanced nuclear energy technologies in New York State. Through this RFI, NYSERDA seeks to identify entities that are currently pursuing or interested in a potential role in advanced nuclear energy development. The initial RFI deadline is December 16

Ideas for Legislation Promoting the Bioeconomy

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We are responding to a request from our New York Congressional representatives who are developing new legislation to support the nation’s “bioeconomy” — a broad term, but generally, the research, development, commercialization, and domestic manufacture of biotechnologies and products such as pharmaceuticals and associated supply chains. Below are the questions we are pulling together a

Volunteers Needed for SLC Chamber Craft, Food & Wine Holiday Market – Dec 6-8 at SUNY Potsdam Maxcy Hall Field House

All Announcements Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Contact Event Manager Kathryn Puleo: or 315.386.4000 ext. #4 SUNY Potsdam’s Maxcy Hall Field House | December 6 & 8, 2024 Friday, December 6 | Show Setup & Vendor Assistance 12:30pm – 3:30pm  3 VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED ·         Label booth spaces (& assist with marking any remaining booth sites if needed), set-up *Chamber Members* tables/chairs, hang up directional

An Update from Clarkson University Board Chair Nancy Reyda ’81 and Vice Chair John Mengucci ’84 on the Search for the 19th President

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This message has also been posted on the Presidential Search Website at Dear Clarkson University Community, When we kicked off our Presidential Search in mid-October, we mentioned that we would provide periodic updates on the process.  To date, the response has been strong and very supportive of the search process. Our search committee has

Classes Scheduled in CAMP 163 are in Cheel Commons on Monday, October 7

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Dear Students and Employees, Due to a water-related incident in the lab above CAMP Room 163, all classes scheduled in this room on Monday, October 7 will be relocated to Cheel Commons in the Cheel Campus Center. Please see the chart below for details on the specific classes affected. Students should also look out for

Desserts with Dave: Town Hall Meeting, Tuesday, Sept 24 5:30pm

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Join us Tuesday, September 24 at 5:30pm in the Student Center Forum for a unique opportunity to connect directly with campus leadership at a special town hall organized by Phalanx. Voice your ideas and questions, engage in meaningful conversation with Acting President and Trustee David Heacock ’83. Play an active role in shaping the future

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