Author name: Kelly Chezum

COVID-19 READ: Update on COVID-19 Cases – Your Actions are Critical to Stopping the Spread

Potsdam Graduate Students Undergrad Students

Potsdam Campus Community, Through our Student Health Center, we continue to do proactive surveillance testing among our faculty, staff and students from our hill campus and downtown campus, including wastewater-based surveillance of our on-campus  residences. On Friday, we initiated a precautionary quarantine for a significant part of our community based on those surveillance measures.  We

COVID-19 READ: The Move to Orange, Keep the Bubble and Thank You for Following the Protocols

Potsdam Graduate Students Undergrad Students

Potsdam Campus Community, Per yesterday’s announcement, we have moved today to an Orange Alert level for student activities of non-essential gatherings of 10 or fewer and recognize how important these interactions and additional activities are to our educational experience.  If you are using spaces that have the Scan-to-Check-in QR codes, please use those for these

COVID-19 Read: CU COVID-19 RISK LEVEL – Moving from Red to Orange. Keep the Bubble.

Potsdam Graduate Students Undergrad Students

Potsdam Campus Community, Effective on Sunday, January 31, Clarkson will update its Risk Alert Level for the University to Orange, Level II– Moderate Risk.  This communication covers: The Risk Alert Level System and what “orange” opens up; The CUSA Executive Board & Administrations’ Q&A Session this past week; COVID-19 daily screening, testing and where to

COVID-19 READ: Weekend Update on Cases

Potsdam Graduate Students Undergrad Students

Potsdam Campus Community, We have further updated the University Dashboard  with the number of tests conducted on campus, which is inclusive of those members of our community who have tested positive through on and off campus testing, and those who have completed their isolations.  Comprehensive information about our on-campus testing and positive cases are on

COVID-READ: Positive Case Update

Potsdam Graduate Students Undergrad Students

Potsdam Campus Community, The University Dashboard is up to date this evening on the number of tests conducted on campus and inclusive of those members of our community who have tested positive, and those who have completed their isolations.  Comprehensive information about our on-campus testing and positive cases are on a NYS Website and offer

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