Author name: Kelly Chezum

COVID-READ: Positive Case Reported Today

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Potsdam Campus Community, We were notified today that a member of our campus community has tested positive for COVID-19.  On today’s positive case, and for those that occur from campus testing and locally, St. Lawrence County Public Health representatives are notified and with the University COVID-19 Care members, the team will work with each individual.  […]

COVID-19 READ: NO NEW CASES FROM SURVEILLANCE TESTING; 2 in off-campus quarantine test positive

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Potsdam Campus Community, We conducted more than 1000 COVID-19 tests on Thursday and Friday as part of our return to campus protocols to rebuild the bubble.  All of these results have come back with negative test results!  This is a great milestone in the return to campus protocols!  Two people who live off campus and

Polling Interest in Engaging in 2023 World University Games in North Country

Beacon Faculty Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Staff

The World University Games will be coming to New York’s greater Adirondack North Country Region from January 12-22, 2023.  Clarkson will be the main venue in Potsdam for men’s and women’s ice hockey competition along with our Associated Colleges partners.  With anticipated participation of more than 3,000 athletes from 60+ countries around the world, this

COVID-19 Read: St. Lawrence Health System Survey on Vaccination Information/ Upcoming Webinars with Q&A

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

All Potsdam Employees & Students:  As shared earlier, the Clinical and Rural Health Research Department of St.Lawrence Health System (SLHS) is offering a virtual series of COVID-19 educational webinars/town halls. The first one, “COVID-19 Vax Versus Fiction: Answering Questions and Presenting the Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines.” is January 27 at 1pm with advanced registration required.  

CUSA Executive Board & University Administration to Host Q&A Panel on Jan 26 at 6pm

Potsdam Undergrad Students

The CUSA Executive Board and the University administration are hosting a Q&A Panel about Rebuilding the Bubble for the Spring Semester on Tuesday, January 26 at 6pm to support the return to campus and questions about the protocols and programming in 2021.   To register in advance for this meeting, go to:  After registering, you

COVID-READ: Positive Cases from Surveillance Testing and Quarantines

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Potsdam Campus Community, We were notified that eight people living off campus and one living on campus have tested positive for COVID-19 — all had a negative test in our prior return to class or work protocols and the majority were already in quarantine from exposure to a common community exposure shared earlier in the

COVID-READ: Positive Case from Off Campus Community Testing

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Potsdam Campus Community, We were notified this evening (January 20) that a member of our community tested positive today in off-campus testing for COVID-19. Please keep completing the daily screening tool  to identify symptoms and act on the instructions based on your answers.  And continue to use the new ‘checkin’ process when you attend class

Message from Dean Lado on behalf of Search Committee for Dean of School of Arts & Sciences

Beacon Faculty Beacon Graduate Students Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students Quarter Based Graduate Students Semester Based Graduate Students

University Community, The Search Committee for the position of Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences (Professors Sean Banerjee, David Barry, Thomas Lufkin, Sumona Mondal, Elizabeth Pienkos, Lisa Propst, Devon Shipp, Dhara Trivedi, Mario Wriedt) has worked diligently over the last several months. The work of this outstanding team, consisting of representatives of the

COVID-READ: Positive Case / Testing Based on Daily Health Screening During Quarantine

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Potsdam Campus Community, We were notified this evening that a member of our community who is currently in off-campus quarantine tested positive today for COVID-19, as part of following up on responses to the daily health screening tool.   (This tool is linked at the bottom footer of every web page.) To respect the

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