Author name: Madison Oeler

New Course, LIB202: True Crime

Undergrad Students

Offered Fall 2021, Online, 3 credits, open to all majors! Instructor: Amber Dashnaw Register for LIB202: Digital Citizenship & Information as Power, True Crime today! Course Description: Do you find yourself drawn to the latest true crime documentary, book, or podcast? Are you intrigued by stories of infamous bad acts and their impact on society? […]

Graduate Workshop: Scholarly Publishing

Graduate Students in Potsdam

The University Libraries will continue our Spring 2021 Graduate Workshop series with: Scholarly Publishing Tuesday April 20th @ 5pm via Zoom This workshop will offer an introduction to scholarly publishing for graduate students or early-career academics. Come learn more about the typical process of submitting, revising, and publishing a scholarly journal article, some tips on

Graduate Workshop: Presentation Skills

Graduate Students in Potsdam

The University Libraries will continue our Spring 2021 Graduate Workshop series with: Presentation Skills Tuesday April 13th @ 5pm via Zoom This workshop will contain general information about giving a presentation in a professional environment.  Do you have a conference presentation coming up? Giving a presentation as part of a job interview? This workshop will

Fall Semester Potsdam Hill Campus DRAFT Indoor Traffic Pattern Maps out for Review

All Announcements

Clarkson community members, the Facilities/ Infrastructure Task Force of the Clarkson Restart team has been working hard to prepare for the start of the upcoming semester.  In order to comply with New York State guidelines and to promote social distancing, the university is establishing distinct limited indoor pedestrian traffic patterns for major corridors of the

One Card expense reports due 10/31/19

Graduate Students in Potsdam

One Card Transactions:The billing cycle has ended for One Card transactions dated September 21st through October 20th that have loaded to My Wallet by October 21st .  Expense reports should be submitted and approved by October 31st.  The final Visa load for this cycle occurred on October 21st.    Please make sure that you have reconciled all transactions dated October 20th and prior.  Also,

CAMP Hallway Blocked Next Week

All Announcements

Beginning on Tuesday, August 7, and for possibly two weeks, we will be removing faulty fireproofing from the ceiling in the corridor on the second floor of CAMP leading to the bridge to the Student Center. The work will be done in three phases.  As we work on each area it will be completely blocked off

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