All Announcements

UPDATE Room Selection Information

All Announcements Faculty & Staff in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Students, We are excited to announce the launch of our new housing software, CU ResLife (CURL)! CURL will allow students to identify compatible roommates, communicate with one another, complete forms, and choose their room assignment all on their own devices. We are thrilled to share information about Room Selection (formerly “Housing Lottery”) which will significantly […]


All Announcements Faculty & Staff in Potsdam Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Drs. Daqing Hou & Stephanie Schuckers perform research in behavioral user authentication and are looking for subjects willing to participate in their research efforts. You must be >=18 years of age to participate. The project involves studying continuous human activity when using a mobile phone, specifically typing, swiping and phone holding behaviors, to determine their effectiveness as

Clarkson University Pre-Health Society Interest Meeting

All Announcements Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Join CUPS for our first interest meeting! We’ll discuss upcoming events and exciting opportunities. We’re thrilled to introduce a guest speaker series featuring professionals who will share insights into the healthcare field. Plus, we’ll discuss multiple job shadowing opportunities for clinical hours and provide details about an upcoming cadaver lab visit. This is a fantastic

Request for Proposals (RFP) – Donald C. Clark Travel Grant

All Announcements Faculty & Staff in Potsdam

Request for Proposals (RFP) – Donald C. Clark Travel GrantInstitute for STEM Education The Institute for STEM Education is pleased to announce the Donald C. Clark Travel Grant, providing funding for faculty and staff to attend STEM education-related conferences that take place before June 25, 2025.  A total of 10 awards, each up to $1,500, will be made on

Volunteers wanted for Take It or Leave It event at the end of the semester

All Announcements Faculty & Staff in Potsdam Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Calling Students, Faculty, and Staff! For many years Clarkson has pursued the Take It or Leave It program on campus. Every year we do so, we divert tons of reusable items such as furniture, clothes, school supplies, etc. from the landfills. This program encourages students to put their items in these tents in effort to give their

Eid al Fitr Prayer 2025

All Announcements Faculty & Staff in Potsdam Graduate Students in Potsdam

Hello everyone Eid al-Fitr will be celebrated on either Sunday, March 30, or Monday, March 31, depending on the sighting of the moon. MSA CU has reserved Cheel 2031 for the Eid prayer, and we warmly invite everyone to join us in prayer . Note! Please remember to bring your prayer mats. Link Time : 730am

2025 Hopke Lecture Series

All Announcements Faculty & Staff Beyond Potsdam Faculty & Staff in Potsdam Graduate Students Beyond Potsdam Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

The ISE’s Hopke Lecture series will host Dr.Chandra Venkataraman as an invited speaker, who will deliver a speech titled ” Unraveling multi-scale air quality challenges in India: Science, models, and Strategy” on Monday, April 7th at noon in 206 Cheel Barden Rooms. 12:00-12:50 pm 206 Cheel Barben Rooms or Join [ZOOM] Add to Calendar About the speaker:Dr.  Chandra Venkataraman is a Professor

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