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Art Give Away!

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The Library has acquired art from an art exchange program formerly run by the Humanities Department.  This art is now available for anyone who is interested in it for campus or personal use. The art consists of a variety of original prints, paintings and drawings as well as posters and mass-produced pieces, large and small. 

Local High School Students Gain Research Experience at Clarkson University

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Two high school students from Canton Central School are gaining valuable research experience under the guidance of Kodak CAMP Distinguished Professor and Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science Mario Wriedt. Maya Thomas and Griffin Scafidi-McGuire, both rising juniors at Canton Central, are nearly halfway through their six-week research assistantship, part of a MPS-High supplement

Jobs At Clarkson: Student Achievement Specialist

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Job Title: Student Achievement Specialist Requisition ID: 142Department: Student Administrative Services This position is located in Potsdam, New York Click this quick link to find more about this job: To view open positions, click “Current Positions” on the right navigation bar of the HR Web site at

Clarkson Professor’s Research Featured in Nature Scientific Reports 

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Abul Baki, a professor of civil and environmental engineering and Amir Golpira, a civil and environmental engineering Ph.D. candidate at Clarkson University and their co-authors recently published their research on the effects of boulder placement on hydraulic metrics of instream habitat complexity in the prestigious journal Nature Scientific Reports. Scientific Reports is the 5th most-cited

Digital Content Creator Relocation

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DIGITAL CONTENT CREATOR RELOCATION After four years in Potsdam, Connor Frasier, digital content creator in the Marketing & External Relations (MER) office, has officially relocated his main office to our Capital Region Campus in Schenectady. Connor’s first day at the CRC office was Monday, August 1, and he will reside with the rest of our MER team on the

Announcement on Performance Management – New Cycle and Deadlines

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As previously announced, the former July 1 – June 30 merit cycle is discontinued and has been replaced to align with the budget cycle, September 1 – August 31. The bi-annual evaluation cycles will now take place in September and March. Staff performance evaluations are an important part of employment at Clarkson University. The process is

Clarkson Computer Science PhD Student Wins Best Paper Award at the 19th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications for Research on Using Video Motion Vectors for Structure from Motion 3D Reconstruction

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Clarkson Computer Science PhD Student Richard Turner’s research on using video motion vectors for structure from motion 3D reconstruction was awarded Best Paper at the 19th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP 2022) held in Lisbon, Portugal. Richard is jointly advised by Dr. Sean Banerjee and Dr. Natasha Banerjee, Associate Professors in

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