Beacon Staff

Moodle Course Availability Policy

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To: All Clarkson University StudentsFrom: Office of Information TechnologySubject: Moodle Course Availability Policy Student access to courses in Moodle expires after each term. Starting fourteen days after final grades are posted, courses are scheduled to be turned off.  Students should save any desired materials to a personal alternate storage location for accessing items long term such […]

Society of Women Engineers Finals Care Package Sale

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Join us in spreading some love to Clarkson students this finals season! We are offering 2 different care package options: Munch and Motivate ($20) and Relax and Renew ($25). Order today until April 25th. Distribution will occur on April 25th-26th at 11:00AM-4:00 in the Student Center. Payment information can be found in the Google Form! Order form link:…/1FAIpQLSclA…/viewform

Team Science – Faculty Research Support Fund (TS-FRSF)

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Clarkson University  Team Science – Faculty Research Support Fund (TS-FRSF) Overview Clarkson’s Sponsored Research Services (SRS), in partnership with our internal Research Advisory Committee (RAC), is launching an effort for the third year to support faculty research grounded in Team Science. The funds, provided by the Provost’s Office, are an investment in research teams in

2024 Fiscal Year End Timeline

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From the Offices of Controller, Budget, Purchasing and Payroll We request your assistance in meeting the following deadlines as outlined in the attached document for the financial closing of Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (FY24) on June 30, 2024.  Please distribute this information to all concerned individuals. Date Summary for FY24 Transactions Accounts Payable Invoice and disbursement

Department of Computer Science – Noah Wiederhold Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

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Noah Wiederhold will speak on Studying Human-Human Handovers for Large Collections of Everyday Use Objects Abstract:Understanding how multiple people perform close interactions such as object handover is important to inform robotic systems on conducting in human-robot collaboration while being aware of human preferences for engaging in the collaborative activity. Currently, large-scale propagation of human-human handover

Pakistani Students Association Hosting Basant festival April 25

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On the 25th of April, the Pakistani Students Association(PSACU) will joyously celebrate the PSACU Basant festival, a vibrant and colorful event that heralds the arrival of spring. This festival will be a wonderful occasion showcasing our rich cultural traditions through an array of activities and offerings. Among the highlights will be the thrilling kite flying

Final Exams Spring 2024

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The following information provides guidance as faculty prepare for upcoming Final Exams in courses on the Spring 2024 Semester Calendar: Important Upcoming Dates: Managing Exam Delays or Accommodations: More Support: The intent of the next section is to provide additional information about final exams from the Registrar, The Teaching and Learning Corner, and The Office

Denim Day, April 24, 2024

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DID YOU KNOW?  In 1992 the Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction because the justices felt that because the 18-year-old victim was wearing tight jeans the day of the attack, she must have helped her attacker remove them, thereby implying consent. Enraged by the verdict, the women in the Italian Parliament launched a protest


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Participants will be asked to spend upto 20 minutes on data collection in CAMP 2208. The data collection includes the capture of full-hand images from a smartphone and DSLR and fingertips using a commercial scanner.   No physical effort will be required for this study.  Participants will receive no financial benefit for their participation.  For detailed

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