Capital Faculty

Effective, Inclusive Teaching Challenge

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The Institute for STEM Education and Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are sponsoring a joint Teaching Effectiveness Challenge. We are looking for members of the Clarkson Community to respond to the following prompt: What is effective, inclusive teaching? How do you imagine it playing out in a classroom, a lab, during fieldwork, in a […]

Scholarships for Juniors (Rising Seniors)

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The Clarkson STEM Up NY Noyce Scholarship program provides $20,000 for the undergraduate senior year, $20,000 for the year it takes to complete the Master of Arts in Teaching and extensive support in preparing for and securing their first teaching positions. Contact Dr. Seema Rivera for more information

April One Card expense reports

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One Card Transactions: The billing cycle will end with the April 21st Visa load of One Card transactions dated March 21st through April 20th.   Submit expense reports by April 29th for approval.  Please make sure that you have reconciled all transactions dated April 20th and prior.  This includes all credits due to refunds for returned items, canceled travel, etc.   Also, if you have

Clarkson Senior Helps Design New Medical Instruments

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Clarkson University student Monica Bomze ’22, in conjunction with Dr. Carl Nelson from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, recently presented research for a new instrument to be used for minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery (MILS).  Bomze, who was tasked with the verification of the feasibility of the new instrument, presented her findings at the Design of Medical

Call for Applications: Provost’s Faculty Fellows Program

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Now in its second year, Provost’s Faculty Fellows Program offers a unique faculty leadership development experience.  Working with the Office of the Provost, selected Fellows have the opportunity to coordinate a University-wide project and engage with administrative and faculty leaders across the University. These projects will provide the Provost’s Faculty Fellows with mentoring and insight

Act Now: RISE Enrollment Closes May 1

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Faculty are encouraged to join the RISE community this summer where you make valuable connections with Clarkson’s instructional community while gaining critical skills that improve your online teaching practice.  RISE is an eight-week, asynchronous/synchronous online workshop (no on-campus requirement) for faculty at Clarkson. Learn more: enroll, community, FAQs and more Workshop: June 20, 2022 – August

High Performance Computing Avail at Clarkson

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Clarkson Faculty Researchers: Grow your research without growing your budget. ACRES is your resource for High Performance Computing (HPC) without the demands of purchasing or maintaining your own expensive computing environment. Look to ACRES for research computing solutions, contact for options and account activation. About: ACRES (Accelerating Computational Research for Engineering and Science) is a High-Performance Computing

DENIM DAY – April 27th! Wear Jeans with a Purpose!

Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students Quarter Based Graduate Students Semester Based Graduate Students

DID YOU KNOW?In 1992 the Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction because the justices felt that because the 18-year-old victim was wearing tight jeans the day of the attack, she must have helped her attacker remove them, thereby implying consent. Enraged by the verdict, the women in the Italian Parliament launched a protest wearing

Clarkson University Student Research Finds that Women Exercising with Others Feel Less Depressed the Rest of the Day

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A Clarkson University student presented her research on how different types of exercise influence moods in a group of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Nathalie Barrios ’22 has been working with Associate Professor of Physical Therapy Ali Boolani, who developed the idea during the COVID-19 pandemic, in response to his students’ feelings.  Prof. Boolani

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