Potsdam Faculty

Remote Tech Workers Meetup – Lake Placid – January 23rd

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The Adirondack Foundation will be hosting a “Tech Innovation Discussion & Networking” event in Lake Placid on Thursday, January 23rd, from 5:30-7:00pm.  This event, sponsored by the Foundation’s A2I initiative, is intended to bring together remote and/or tech workers from around the Adirondack North Country in order to explore the local ecosystem, share best practices, and […]

Undergraduate Summer Research Opportunity at Clarkson University, NY

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REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Sensor Development (Design, Manufacture, Analysis) and Implementation Pipeline (SDIP) Sensors are increasingly used in everyday life, and the industry is experiencing significant growth and adoption by both public and private sectors. The Clarkson REU-SDIP will prepare students for careers in this rapidly growing industry. In the Summer of 2025, the

ECE Seminar January 23rd 12:30-1:30pm CAMP 194

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Physics-Constrained Learning Algorithms for Scientific and Engineering Problems Governed by Partial Differential Equations Dr. Ming-Cheng Cheng Professor of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699, USA Abstract: A physics-constrained learning simulation methodology based on proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) and Galerkin projection has been investigated for simulation of physical problems

Face Image Capture (biometric collection)

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Dr. Stephanie Schuckers, Clarkson University, is performing biometric research and is looking for subjects willing to participate in the study titled ‘Study of face presentation attacks in indoor and outdoor environments’. Data collection will be conducted in both outdoor and controlled indoor environments to ensure a diverse dataset. Indoor data collection will be carried out

Congrats to Gabbie Consing in the Counseling Center

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The Counseling Center proudly announces that Gabbie Consing has been granted her Mental Health Counseling license.  Gabbie began work in the Counseling Center in August of 2022. She came to us after completing her master’s degree, which included clinical experience in a College Counseling setting.  She has been practicing with her Limited Permit, which is required

Engaging in Political Activities

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Clarkson Community, As a matter of respecting the exercise of our First Amendment freedom, the University acknowledges  the efforts of any member of the Clarkson Community who wishes to participate in political activities  using personal time with personal resources. Good citizenship certainly starts with registering to vote, going to the polls and being informed. Some

Happy Martin Luther King Day!!

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Martin Luther King, Jr. day is a U.S. National holiday (celebrated on the third Monday of January) designed to honor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the activist and minister who was assassinated in 1968, and whose accomplishments have continued to inspire generations all over the world. Dr. King was a Baptist minister born on

Request to participate in a Face Data Collection.

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Individuals aged 18 and above are invited to participate in a Face Data Collection study at Clarkson University. Financial compensation will be provided for participation. Eligibility Criteria: Procedure: Each participant will be photographed (images and videos) multiple times at four specified distances. The data collection process will take approximately 40 to 45 minutes. Compensation: Participants

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