Potsdam Staff

Looking for people to be interviewed for documentary

Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

I am working on a documentary and I am looking for participants to interview. The name of the documentary is How American Are You? Anyone is welcome to participate. I am willing to work with people who would also rather be recorded via a voice recorder, or email responses. You can reach me at burnsrl@clarkson.edu.

Student Short Film Festival Accepting Submissions

Beacon Faculty Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Staff

The Office of Student Life (OSL) invites students to submit their short films to the annual Short Film Festival! Short films will be screened from 12-2 pm on Wednesday and Thursday, April 17th and 18th in the Student Center Forum.  Please encourage students to submit their short films (10 minutes in length or less) by Friday, April 12th by emailing or sharing them to studentlife@clarkson.edu.Prizes

Clarkson Recognition of Excellence Weekend (CREW)

Beacon Faculty Beacon Graduate Students Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Clarkson Recognition of Excellence WeekendCelebrating Research, Innovation, Leadership & Service The Third Annual Clarkson Recognition of Excellence Weekend will take place Friday, April 12 and Saturday, April 13, 2019. This weekend of events will celebrate the incredible scholastic and leadership accomplishments of our students and faculty and allow guests to view the groundbreaking research projects and business ideas coming

Relay For Life – Saturday, April 6th

Beacon Faculty Beacon Graduate Students Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Colleges Against Cancer is hosting the American Cancer Society’s signature event Relay For Life on Saturday, April 6th! Relay For Life at Clarkson University is completely organized and run by students! Our event is a night full of food, music, entertainment, dodgeball tournaments, and fundraisers! During all this fun, we honor and remember those who

One Card Expense Reports Due

Beacon Faculty Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff

One Card Transactions:The billing cycle has ended for One Card transactions dated February 21st through March 20th .  Expense reports should be submitted and approved by March 29th.  The final Visa load for this cycle occurred on March 21st.  Please make sure that you have reconciled all transactions dated March 20th and prior.     Also, if you have already

Relay For Life – Saturday, April 6th

Beacon Faculty Beacon Graduate Students Beacon Staff Capital Faculty Capital Graduate Students Capital Staff Potsdam Faculty Potsdam Graduate Students Potsdam Staff Potsdam Undergrad Students

Colleges Against Cancer is hosting the American Cancer Society’s signature event Relay For Life on Saturday, April 6th! Relay For Life at Clarkson University is completely organized and run by students! Our event is a night full of food, music, entertainment, dodgeball tournaments, and fundraisers! During all this fun, we honor and remember those who

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