Clarkson University Driving Policy

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

The Clarkson University driving policy is a policy designed to cover students and employees traveling on university business. To be covered under the university driving policy and insurance you need to apply to become an approved driver and utilize a rental vehicle or a vehicle from the university’s fleet. Please see the attached policy which outlines university […]

Connect with Us January Open Forum Session

All Announcements

Date: January 29, 2019 Time: 2pm – 3pm Location: Peterson Board Room Join us for our January Connect with Us open forum session to hear updates and provide input into the following institutional initiatives that will be discussed.  Snacks will be provided.  Agenda: Intro (Kerop Janoyan) First Year Living / Learning Communities (Cathy McNamara & Jeff Taylor)  Finance Introduction

MLK Day of Service Sign-Up Deadline TONIGHT!

Graduate Students in Potsdam Undergrad Students

Sign up for the annual MLK Day of Service, held THIS Saturday, 1/19/19 from noon-4:45 p.m.! A free t-shirt and transportation to local organizations are included. Only 8 spots remain as of this morning, and sign-ups close TONIGHT! Learn more or sign up ASAP at or on the Knight Life homepage. Assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Hope to CU there! Office of Student LifeInstagram:

Support Staff Thanks Clarkson Community for their Support at the Holiday Luncheon

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The Support Staff Council would like to thank the campus community for their generous contributions to the Support Staff Fundraiser at the Holiday Luncheon! Support Staff Members (and friends) donated beautiful gift baskets, lottery tickets, money and time. The Gift Basket and Lottery Tree raffles raised $1,280! These funds allow us to directly help members

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