Study Abroad Application Information for Semester Programs

Study Abroad Semester Program applications for Fall 2019, Full academic year, and Spring 2020 will open on Monday, October 15th.

Application deadline is January 25, 2019.

Students must meet the qualifications to apply. This information is included in this handout: Study Abroad Process for Outgoing Students – Pre-Acceptance Flow Chart

Study Abroad FAQ’s 

Link to CU Global  – Instructions for setting up an appointment are on the Welcome Page. Students must make at least one appointment to meet with Christine Bailey prior to submitting their application.

Search Available Programs Here

All Clarkson Students should have an account. If you have not logged in previously, click on Set/Reset Password and use your Clarkson email. You will receive an verification email. If you do not get an email please contact our office.

Choosing Classes to Take While Abroad Guide

We look forward to guiding you through your journey abroad!

International Center

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