Former Clarkson Army ROTC Cadet Graduates Top of Her Class at Flight School

Clarkson alumna 2LT Ali Schwenzfeier ’17, Biology, and a former Clarkson University Army ROTC Cadet, recently graduated as the Distinguished Honor Graduate of her flight school class in Fort Rucker, Alabama. Schwenzfeier is a newly minted AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopter Pilot and is currently assigned as a Platoon Leader in C Troop, 1-6 Cavalry Regiment, 1st Combat Aviation Brigade at Fort Riley, Kansas.

Her former Clarkson Army ROTC Professor of Military Science, LTC Mike Athanasakis says, “Getting selected for Aviation is an extremely tough cut, she was the best of the best in her class.”

Originally from East Haddam, CT, Schwenzfeier was also a varsity softball athlete for the Clarkson Golden Knights and chosen in 2017 as a Liberty League First-Team All-Star for her offensive contributions.

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