Faculty/Staff asked to turn down WiFi networks

As announced previously, the University’s WiFi policy prohibits the use of non-OIT maintained WiFi routers/access points, and OIT is asking for cooperation from all Clarkson community members to stop using such devices immediately. If you are unsure whether or not the WiFi device you are using is maintained by OIT, please contact the HelpDesk.

Every interior space of the campus now has WiFi access to our open network which appears as the ClarksonUniversity SSID.  This open network is intended for guest access.  For members of the University community, we strongly encourage the use of our secure WiFi network by following the instructions here. If it seems that your area has insufficient WiFi coverage, we will be happy to investigate and resolve coverage holes at no cost.

Most spaces also include hardwired Ethernet port(s) which will provide a connection to our campus network.  If you need additional wired ports in your area, we recommend that you contact the IT Helpdesk for a quote to add additional ports. You may use a personal switch or router, as long as any WiFi functionality of the device is completely disabled, however OIT can only provide limited support for such devices. Click here for additional information on disabling WiFi on your router.

To date, we have detected over 1,000 personal wireless routers/access points which are causing radio frequency congestion and interference. This has a negative impact on WiFi connection speeds and stability across campus.

Our goal is to provide great-performing WiFi coverage throughout the campus, but we can only ensure when all personally-owned WiFi networks are disabled. Please join us in our endeavor to improve WiFi performance campus wide.

We have a compiled a list of unauthorized access points and OIT representatives will begin making rounds on Monday February 18th to identify the physical location of  personally-owned WiFi access points and provide assistance to eliminate the WiFi functionality as needed.

Please feel free to contact us for additional information or assistance.


IT HelpDesk
Clarkson University

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