It’s time for End of Course Evaluations (Updated)

It is once again time to ask you to help us by completing the evaluation of the courses you are taking. The evaluations are completely anonymous and are not available to the professor until after grades have been turned in.

Course Evaluations are your opportunity to provide feedback that will shape our graduate programs for students that will follow in your footsteps. Your input not only helps us evaluate individual instructions, but also criteria such as course material, delivery methods, and the overall value of the graduate program as a whole.

Your candid feedback is greatly appreciated!

Please take a few moments between March 5th and 15th to complete your course evaluations in PeopleSoft. Once you log into PeopleSoft you should be automatically directed to the Evaluation Hub page. If accidentally closed the Evaluation Hub page and need to get back to you, navigate to Main Menu > Self Service > Evaluation Hub.

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