Michael Tremper ‘93 is Employee of the Month for April

As part of Clarkson University’s ongoing commitment to Service Excellence, the Service Excellence Team is pleased to announce the April 2019 Employee of the Month…

Michael Tremper, University Engineer

Michael was recognized by his peers, who commented, “Mike volunteers his time to help prepare projects for students, makes connections with Village operators, assist faculty with courses. He both actively is improving campus operations, but also provides extremely valuable education experience for students. Mike is not only dedicated to managing the facilities efficiently, but also to the educational and research mission of Clarkson University.”

Please join us in congratulating and recognizing the Service Excellence of Michael during our “Third Thursday,” event on April 18 at MoJoe’s in Snell Hall from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. A complimentary beverage is offered for all faculty and staff who attend. Please mark your calendars and join us!

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