Passover Seder run by the Clarkson Hillel April 20

Shalom students,
Passover, also called Pesach, is celebrated as a commemoration of the Jewish liberation by G-d from slavery in ancient Egypt and their freedom as a nation under the leadership of Moses. We wanted to bring a Passover Seder to Clarkson to incorporate a Jewish tradition on a campus full of diverse backgrounds, religions, and love for community.
Everyone is invited to come join and celebrate Passover with the Passover Seder on April 20th from 5:00-9:00pm in the Multi-Purpose Rooms (MPRs) in the Student Center. There is free food for all Clarkson students. There will be a short Discovery Passover service, where all backgrounds and religions are invited to participate in, from 5:00-6:00pm, followed by dinner and a showing of the Dreamworks movie, “The Prince of Egypt.” It will be a night of learning, food, and fun. 

You can RSVP here on this form:
–Hillel E-Board

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