Online Summer Course POL230

Sick of hearing about politics, but feeling like you don’t know enough to contribute to the conversation? Do you want enough information to debate your very opinionated friend? Use the summer to learn about how government and politics work around the world from the comfort of your own home. You can earn 3 credits in the process.  [If you’re a political science major you will check off one of your required courses, too.]

Professor Elizabeth Stein is offering POL 230 Introduction to Global Politics online this summer. It’s not too late to enroll! [Fills Contemporary/Global Issues knowledge area.]

This class teaches you what different governments look like around the world and how well they work (or don’t) for the people. Not only will you be able to distinguish democracies from dictatorships, but you also will learn how some types of democracies and dictatorships produce better political outcomes for their people. The course also introduces you to how states interact with one another in the areas of international security, interstate trade and human rights.

This course requires you to keep up with readings, participate weekly in online discussion and complete weekly quizzes. You also will take a midterm and a final exam.

Required Textbook: Draper, Alan and Ansil Ramsay. 2016. The Good Society: An Introduction to Comparative Politics, 3rd edition. Hoboken, N.J.: Pearson Education Inc.

Professor Stein will post additional readings online and ask you to follow international news.

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