Graduate Students from the Clarkson Biochemistry & Proteomics Lab Win Travel Awards to Attend Mass Spectrometry Conference

Emmalyn Dupree, Madhuri Jayathirtha and Devika Channaveerappa, three graduate students from the Biochemistry and Proteomics Lab, led by Costel C. Darie, Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science at Clarkson University attended a three-day intensive course on mass spectrometry-based protein identification and quantitation at Northeastern University.

Devika Channaveerappa,
Madhuri Jayathirtha , and Emmalyn Dupree

About 150 students from 16 countries attended the conference. The conference is organized by the inventors of Skyline – an open source application for creating and analyzing targeted proteomics experiments (from MacCoss Lab of Biological Mass Spectrometry, University of Washington, Seattle) and OpenMS (from deNBI Center for Integrative Bioinformatics, Max Planck Institute, Tubingen, Germany), two types of software used for mass spectrometry-based protein analysis. Madhuri and Devika attended the Skyline user meeting, while Emmalyn attended OpenMS. 

To attend the conference, Madhuri and Emmalyn applied for and were awarded travel awards. 

“It is great to be exposed to new ways of analysis”, says Channaveerappa. She just defended her thesis and this course will be valuable in her future career. “I also believe that Madhuri and Emmalyn will greatly benefit from this conference”. 

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