As part of Clarkson University’s ongoing commitment to Service Excellence, the Service Excellence Team is pleased to announce the July 2019 Employee of the Month…
Cory Storie, Clerk of the Works, Plant Operations & Maintenance
Cory was recognized by his peers for his role in the ERC renovations, they said,
“Cory has been key in the renovation of the ERC going smoothly, he did his best to keep up in the loop and help with the transition.”
“Cory has been great during the renovations; he has done his best to accommodate us, has been friendly and helpful at all times.”
“Cory consistently maintains control of the construction activities in the ERC and has gone above and beyond in making sure occupants are informed, comfortable and have what they need. ”
Please join us in congratulating and recognizing the Service Excellence of Cory during our “First Tuesday,” event on July 9th at Cactus Grill and Cantina from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
A complimentary beverage plus light appetizers are offered for all faculty and staff who attend. Please mark your calendars and join us! (Supervisors are reminded that they can release their staff early for this University event.)