Charles Robinson, a Clarkson University Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was recently appointed to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Awards Board for 2020. Robinson is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and has served many positions with the Institute including Institute Director, Society President, Editor, and Chair of the Membership Development Committee. In 2001, Robinson received the prestigious IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award.
IEEE is a 400,000 member international professional association of electronic, computer and electrical engineers. The IEEE Awards Board administers the awards and recognition program of IEEE. Through its awards program, IEEE advances the interest of its members by recognizing their contributions in advancing the fields of interest to IEEE and to the benefit of society.
Robinson is also currently serving a three-year term on the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association (ALSA) national board of trustees. He helps to strategically guide how the association uses its funds to promote research that might lead to a cure for the fatal disease as well as to provide care services to those with the disease and their caregivers.
Robinson is a board member of the Upstate New York Chapter of ALSA. The chapter serves the northern 48 counties of New York State.
Robinson co-chairs a community partner ALS golf tournament held each August at the Highland Greens Golf Course in Brushton, N.Y. He also continues to serve on the local and national ALSA care services committees.
Lastly, he currently is the elected State Warden for the New York State Council of the Knights of Columbus. He previously served a two-year term as State Secretary. He is a commissioned lay minister for the diocese of Ogdensburg.
Robinson spent more than 30 years in various locations within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs health care system, where he served veterans with disability. He retired in 2011 as a VA senior rehabilitation research career scientist. He was the founding chair of the department of rehabilitation science and technology at the University of Pittsburgh and the founding editor of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering. As the Herman L. Shulman Endowed Chair, he directs Clarkson’s Center for Rehabilitation Engineering, Science & Technology, where he continues his efforts to aid those with disability. For his work, he has been awarded the St. Lawrence NYSARC Community Service Award.
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