Spring Break Closing

Greetings Residents!

The Residence Life Office wishes you success on your mid-term exams, and wish everyone a joyous Spring Break. Here are some important points to keep in mind as you prepare to vacate campus housing:

Residents must vacate their residence hall rooms on Saturday, March 14 by 10:00am. Campus housing will close on the Morning of March 14 at 10:00am. Campus housing reopens on March 22. 


Personal travel during spring break is an individual choice.  We are asking all campus members to evaluate nonessential international travel plans. Travelers should recognize that situations could change, and a country that is not identified for travel restrictions today may be added to the list of “Level 3” countries tomorrow (or while you are in-country). It is possible that you may be subject to non-optional quarantines upon your return from these countries. Clarkson will make reasonable efforts to work with any student who may require remote delivery of instruction while undertaking isolation protocols.

Based on current information, we are not aware of any recommendations regarding restrictions of domestic US travel.  

Students who are part of organized trips have the option to change their plans and not participate.  We have asked all faculty and staff to support these decisions — both choosing to go and/or choosing not to go. 

Any students that NEED to remain on campus past Saturday, March 14 need to submit a Vacation Housing Request Form to Residence Life through Knight Life no later than March 9 at 4:30pm. The Residence Life Office has the right to approve or deny vacation housing to any student depending on reasoning for vacation housing.


Your Resident Advisor will be delivering a Spring Break Closing Form to each room. This form should be filled out and either delivered to the RA or left in a common space (kitchen table for apartments) for the RA to collect while closing the residence hall.

Please clean your apartment and remove ALL trash.

Turn off lights, computers, and unplug nonessential appliances.

Close your drapes and lock your windows.

Lock your door when leaving.

Set your thermostats to 70 degrees and keep your cabinet doors under the sink in the bathroom and kitchen open to allow warm air to circulate. Please leave your bedroom doors open. This will help keep the water pipes from freezing.

Park your vehicle in the Hamlin-Powers parking lot if you are leaving your vehicle on campus.

·Be mindful about packing your vehicles the night before. It can be an invitation to thieves!

Failure to complete this process will result in a $50.00 charge.


If you are approved for vacation housing please be mindful that the dining facilities will not be operating for meal plan use during this time.

FACILITIES & SERVICES may be in your dorm to address work orders and other maintenance issues while you are away. Third-party contractors that we may hire to assist will be accompanied by Clarkson University staff at all times.


The Residence Life Staff will be doing fire safety inspections of rooms during the break.

Any theft/loss/damage is the responsibility of the assigned room residents.

Your residence will be inspected upon departure for any maintenance or damage concerns.  

Have a great break!


Residence Life Staff

Price Hall


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