Continuity of Services-Clarkson University Libraries

The Clarkson University Libraries are committed to continuing to provide distance services and support as faculty, staff, and students transition to an online learning environment. 

While specific policies and procedures may change as the situation evolves, we are committed to continuing to assist the campus community during this challenge. Current information, as of March 13, 2020, follows: 

Library Service Hours

ERC main campus library:  Monday – Friday 8am-4:30pm (closed Saturday and Sunday)
Health Sciences Library:  Monday – Thursday 8am-4:30pm (closed Friday)
Distance service only. No in-person visits, please. 

Getting Books – KnightCat Delivers!
We can send print materials from the Clarkson collection directly to you. Make the request through ILLiad. Requested materials will be sent through campus mail or mailed to off-campus locations via UPS with pre-paid return postage. 

Have Items Checked Out? 

  • Materials can be renewed through your library account or by contacting us directly (315-268-2292 or
  • Books can be returned through campus mail. Please do not bring books directly to the library.
  • If you are off campus and want to return items, we can send you a pre-addressed return envelope. Contact us to request this (315-268-4456) or

24/7 Digital Access

We offer an extensive digital collection of databases, journals, ebooks, and learning tools. 

To access any electronic resources from off-campus, you must first LOGIN

Or start from the Libraries Home Page

Key Library Resources

Research and Class Assistance

Clarkson University Libraries staff continue to be available to help you through this challenging time. 

  • Library staff will not be available for in-person research assistance.
  • We can meet with you virtually via Zoom, or another app that works best for you.
  • You may also contact us at or 315-268-2292.
  • Not sure who to talk to? Check the library employee directory.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if there is any way we can help your transition to online instruction or if you have any questions or concerns. We can help you find digital content for course assignments and readings and help you link them via Moodle. We are also available to help answer questions regarding copyright in an online learning environment. 

Michelle L. Young, MLS
Dean of Libraries

ERC Office 10018 Clarkson Avenue, CU Box 5590
Potsdam, NY 13699315-268-4268 Office 315-323-7910 Mobile

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