RAPS abstracts benefit from a test drive

If you are submitting an abstract to RAPS on Friday, take it for a test drive with the Writing Center before you submit it. 

Make an appointment at https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UUFJLTBMRkhfRndufGRlZmF1bHR8ZmJlN2Y3ZWNiYjYwZmQ4NzQzZDdhOTM4ZTM1NzFlZDI.

Abstracts are difficult to write because you need to cover all elements of your poster while being brief and having good flow. 

You as the writer need to imagine what a reader unfamiliar with your topic needs to know. The easiest way to write for that reader is to discuss it with a real reader. That’s what the Writing Center can do for you.
We will look at your abstract via Google Docs and discuss them in person through Google Meet. The link to Google Meet is in the appointment notification.

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