Virtual RAPS & Research and Excellence Award Ceremony April 24-26, 2020

Note: This announcement includes corrections to an announcement sent out previously regarding Virutal RAPS.

The 4th Annual Research and Projects Showcase (RAPS) and the Research & Excellence Award Ceremony, will be hosted virtually this year. To accomodate for the changing formats and deadlines, Virtual RAPS will now take place on April 24 & 25, with awards for best presentations announced at 8:00pm on Sunday, April 26. During the ceremony, the University will be honoring the faculty and staff members for their Fiscal Year 2019 achievements, including the Million and Multi-Million Dollar Club inductees, Clarkson Lifetime Achievement in Research & Scholarship Award recipient, Clarkson Excellence in Research and Scholarship Award recipient, and Clarkson Distinction in Faculty Mentoring for Research and Scholarship Award recipient. The online ceremony will also announce individuals who were first time grant recipients and those who had patent issued for Fiscal Year 2019.   

In an effort to best organize and present student projects and research, while also protecting intellectual property, RAPS will be hosted on Moodle this year. The event will be asynchronous and presenters will be expected to answer questions on their respective presentation forums throughout the two days. The two virtual presentation options will be Virtual Lightning Talks and Virtual Posters. 

Virtual Lightning Talks are short (6-minute) presentation videos uploaded, sometimes to YouTube and shared as links, and then displayed at the conference. 

Virtual Poster presentations consist of one slide/PDF page with an associated 3 minute “elevator message” video of the poster contents.

A detailed “How-To” section is being designed on the RAPS Moodle Page. Once this is completed, those who have registered will be automatically enrolled in the “course.” This will allow you full access to all instructions and guidance on how to create and submit polished presentations of your work.

Oral presentations will be assumed as Virtual Lightning Talks. Following your registration, virtual presentations should be submitted to Moodle no later than April 17 at 11:59pm. 

As always, should you have any questions, contact us at

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