Good Morning, Knights! A Message from Provost Hannigan

Today’s message comes from Tammy McGregor-Twiss, Director, O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program

Monday Motivation: It’s Okay to Not be Okay……

Prior to spring break, we were just learning of the novel global pandemic arriving at our doorstep.  We learned new expressions such as ‘social distancing ‘and ‘flattening the curve’ amongst others.  Within our own Clarkson community, our campus has been transitioning rapidly in response to Covid 19.   Students have been adapting to remote learning, faculty have been learning new technologies to deliver classes online and staff have been creating virtual service deliveries.

During this time of change and uncertainty, it’s okay to not be okay.  We all have our good days and not so good days while we’re processing the many changes around us.  As we are all experiencing the “New York State on PAUSE” order to assure public health safety, it may be worthwhile to take pause for ourselves.  It’s okay to grieve the loss of what was our normal prior to spring break so we can be strong for the future. It’s okay to lean on each other for survival tips and support in order to offer the best that we can for our students to complete a successful spring 2020 semester.  

To help us through the our new normal, please be kind to yourself with these self care tips in mind: 

·         Try to establish a new routine at home with separating your work from your family and homelife to the best of your ability.

·         Nature and fresh air are the best medicine, if you can, try to get some every day.

·         Don’t forget the basics of good eating and sleeping to stay healthy and strong.

·         Take breaks from social media and news coverage, not to ignore it but to reduce stress.

·         Stay connected to your family and friends.

Stay okay, healthy, and strong.  Remember we are all in this together.

-Tammy McGregor-Twiss

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