Good Knight – Steve Newkofsky Highlights a Good Neighbor

As we work through a challenging time – each of us focusing on doing all the right things in the face of uncertainty – your extended Clarkson family is thinking of you.

Each evening, we hope to share a story of good things, Good Knights, as a way to remind each of us that, despite the realities of our challenging days, good things are still happening.  We will look for short stories highlighting members of the Clarkson community demonstrating the values we all share – integrity, teamwork, humility and a commitment to making the world a better place.

Tonight a Good Knight shares a story of a very Good Neighbor.

Steve Newkofsky H ’03, spent 33 years at Clarkson in a variety of leadership roles in student life and alumni engagement.  Steve shared news of a Good Neighbor, Professor David Penepent, Director of Mortuary Science at SUNY Canton.  David was featured in the New York Times for his volunteer service assisting funeral home directors in the hard hit NYC region.  

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