Clarkson Student Chapter of Electrochemical Society Selected as 2020 Chapter of Excellence Recipient

The Student Chapter of Clarkson University’s Electrochemical Society (CU-ECS) has been named a 2020 Chapter of Excellence recipient by the ECS Board of Directors. The award recognizes CU-ECS as one of the top three outstanding student chapters globally by ECS.

The Student Chapter of Clarkson University’s Electrochemical Society (CU-ECS)

Established in the summer of 2019, the Clarkson University ECS student chapter is dedicated to encouraging communication and collaboration in electrochemistry research at Clarkson University and helping its members succeed in their academic careers. Within a year, CU-ECS has expanded to eight advisors and 50 members within the Department of Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Civil Engineering. The organization has hosted 4 external invited speakers and a workshop with a panel discussion. The group started an electrochemistry session in the bi-annual research showcase at Clarkson and awarded three excellent presentations with $100 each to support their travel to an ECS biannual meeting. Faculty and student members contributed seven papers and 19 talks in the ECS system.

Farideh Hosseini Narouei, a Ph.D. candidate in Chemistry and president of the Clarkson University Electrochemical Society (CU-ECS) student chapter, expressed immense pride in CU-ECS after being selected as a Chapter of Excellence recipient.

“Being recognized in ECS means being more seen as an active and outstanding community of electrochemistry among our peers across the world,” Narouei said. “This means more employers see our students and more students from all over the world will see our school and advisors as one of the best to reach for and think of joining us in the future.”

Narouei said ECS dedicates grants and other funding to students and researchers each year, and this recognition adds to the credibility of Clarkson students when it comes to competing for those opportunities from ECS.

“I feel nothing could happen greater than this to be recognized in such a short time as one of the best in this society,” she said. “Although I have never imagined we could be recognized so quickly, it is an honor that we got it within a year of our establishment.  This shows how great our team is!”

Besides the recent national recognition by the electrochemical society, CU-ECS has been engaged with other ECS chapters in Montreal and Waterloo, and was invited to be part of their programming, exposing Clarkson’s student society to other, larger schools nearby for their exchange of knowledge and collaborations.

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