The University Libraries will continue our fall workshop series for Grad students with:
Citation Management Systems
Tuesday, September 3rd at 5pm- Online via Zoom
Add to your Google Calendar
This workshop will contain everything you need to know to get started with Mendeley or Zotero.
Are you writing your citations by hand? You don’t have to! Zotero & Mendeley are citation management software programs that allow you to save and organize bibliographic information about the resources you are referring to during your research in one location. It then integrated with word processors allowing you to quickly and easily output citations in any citation style.
Join remotely via Zoom.
All sessions will be recorded and recordings will be made available.
Sponsored by the Clarkson University Graduate Student Association (GSA).
If you have any questions or workshop topic suggestions please contact aldashnaw@clarkson.edu or GSA@clarkson.edu.
We hope to see you there!