If you enjoyed our last BINGO, then you are going to LOVE Grocery BINGO happening this Friday, 9/4, at 7pm! This time around, all of our prizes will be food (because who doesn’t love free food?). All of our grocery bags are themed, with bag themes including Snack Attack, Pasta Please!, Sweet and Salty, Game Night, and more! We will be streaming number calling via YouTube (bit.ly/CUByoutube) and you can receive your card from bit.ly/CUBingo. We hope you’ll join us again for a fun night of BINGO!
Also, if you haven’t done so already, add the Clarkson Union Board Fall 2020 Event Calendar to your calendar to stay up to date on all of our upcoming events! You can find the calendar at bit.ly/CUBf20.
Questions? Email cub@clarkson.edu