Emmanuel Asante-Asamani Appointed Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Clarkson University

Emmanuel O. Asante-Asamani has been appointed assistant professor of mathematics at Clarkson University.

Emmanuel Asante-Asamani

He received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics and master of science degree in industrial mathematics from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and his bachelor of science in mathematics from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.

Asante-Asamani’s research interests are in mathematical biology, mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, complex fluids, scientific computing and software development.

He has co-published in Journal of Computational Physics, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Procedia Computer Science, and Communications in computational physics, among other publications.

He previously served as a postdoctoral researcher and adjunct assistant professor at Hunter College, CUNY, visiting assistant professor at Drake University, and associate lecturer at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee at Waukesha.

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