Clarkson University Encourages all Clarkson Community Members to Get a Flu Shot

As summer draws to a close and colder weather looms, so too does flu season. As it does every year, Clarkson University will partner with Kinney Drugs to offer flu vaccination clinics to its students, faculty and staff. 

Clarkson University strongly encourages all of its community members to take advantage of the flu vaccination clinics. In addition to helping maintain a healthy Clarkson University campus, the influenza vaccine will help eliminate similar symptoms to COVID-19 that may otherwise initiate testing or quarantine procedures. 

Student Flu Vaccination Clinics will be held in front of Graham Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sept. 22, Oct. 1, Oct. 5, and Oct. 23. Students can click here to sign up for a time slot. 

Student flu shots are free if covered by their insurance and if it is not covered, the out-of-pocket cost is $29.99.

Employee Flu Vaccination Clinics will be held in front of Graham Hall from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sept. 21, Sept. 25, and Oct. 6. Employees can click here to sign up for a time slot. 

Dates for vaccination clinics at the Capital Region Campus are currently being finalized.

Employee flu shots are free through the university’s health insurance policy with UMR United Healthcare. If you have other coverage, Kinney’s will require billing information to process the claim.

Employees who are not approved to be on campus are allowed to attend these clinics. These employees must report directly to the vaccination site and must leave immediately upon receiving their vaccine. 

Please maintain your diligence to follow the ongoing protocols put in place, like wearing a face mask over your nose and mouth, to protect you and your community.  

Thank you for doing your part to keep our Clarkson community safe!

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