Acting on Symptoms of COVID-19


Please take note that you and our students should not go to in-person class/work or participate in campus activities with a fever of 100.4°F or greater, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell — all symptoms of COVID-19.

If a student has any of these symptoms in your presence, direct them to contact the Health Center during normal weekday business hours (315-268-6633) and after 4:30pm to contact Campus Safety at 315-268-6666 where a staff member there will connect them 24/7 with the appropriate resource for evaluation and testing.

If you are exhibiting symptoms, please contact your medical provider for guidance.   

Please remember, if you received a COVID-19 test with a negative result you must STILL self-isolate until symptoms have resolved. Now more than ever, it is crucial that you stay out of class/work and activities if you are feeling ill.

Please follow the health and safety protocols to wear a mask over the nose and mouth; practice social distancing; practice good personal hygiene and again, and act on any signs of COVID-19 as noted above.

Thank you.  

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