Ombudsperson Service

Hello Clarkson Employees,  

Employees have expressed a need for services that are informal, and which provide means for problem solving and conflict resolution that are separate and distinct from our formal workplace grievance processes.

In order to meet these needs, Clarkson welcomes the new role of the Ombudsperson. The Ombudsperson provides confidential, informal, independent and impartial assistance to individuals through facilitation, conflict resolution, problem-solving, and mediation. This role will offer a safe place where community members may discuss problems or issues within the University. The University Ombudsperson is available to all faculty and staff within Clarkson University. 

We are happy to announce that Lu Herrera has been appointed as our University Ombudsperson effective October 19, 2020. Lu, who has 25 plus years of experience in employee relations, brings to the position of the Ombudsperson vast experience in managing complex litigation, arbitration and mediation on behalf of employees trying to resolve work-based conflicts.

In his role as the Ombudsperson, Lu will act as a confidential and informal information resource, communication channel, a dispute-resolver, and a person who helps our organization work for positive change. 

Please note that the Ombudsperson supplements but is not a substitute or replacement for formal complaint resolution or any other formal processes of the University. The purpose of the Ombudsperson is to ensure the effective, efficient, and fair resolution of differences facilitated by Clarkson’s existing policies, procedures, and systems. The Ombudsperson is an impartial, confidential resource and is not a personal advocate but an advocate for fairness and equity at Clarkson. All communications with the Ombudsperson are confidential.

HR will be holding several informational sessions to meet Lu Herrera  and discuss his role via zoom. Please attend to learn when, what and how to access this new benefit:

Monday 11-02-2020, 2pm;

Wednesday 11-04-2020, 11am;

Thursday 11-05-2020, 2pm;

Lu can be reached by email at or his phone 888-268-5044.

For more information about the Ombudsperson, please visit our intranet page

Thank You,

Human Resources

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