“Phylogenomics, Biodiversity and Medicinal Plants” at Next Clarkson University Science Cafe

Phylogenomics, Biodiversity and Medicinal Plants will be presented by Clarkson University Biology Professor Michelle Yoo at the next Clarkson University Science Café at 7:15 p.m on Tuesday, November 3.

Traditionally, Science Cafés have brought together local university and college professors and townspeople in relaxed, informal settings, such as coffeehouses and pubs. For the health and safety of all, we are shifting to ZOOM, a virtual platform for the fall series of talks. The speaker will make a short presentation about a topic in his or her field and, as always, there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Flowering plants are the most diverse group among plants, with approximately 250,000 known species. People have relied on flowering plants for food, wood, fiber, medicine, decoration and landscaping throughout the ages. Join Professor Michelle Yoo (Biology, Clarkson) for a fascinating discussion of flowering plants and the efforts to better understand and protect their biodiversity. Yoo will describe recent progress in biodiversity research using the entire genome, or large portions of the genome “phylogenomics”), and how this research explores new uses for medicinal plants. She will also explain how we can all contribute to biodiversity research through the Naturalist website and app.

Not familiar with virtual event participation? We will use ZOOM which allows participants to connect with or without ZOOM installed on your device. Use the following link to access the Zoom Help Center, which offers information, instructions and assistance to new Zoom users. https://support.zoom.usZoom meeting links for each talk (required to access the meeting) will be sent to all Science Café participants who shared their email addresses. If we do not have your email address and you would like to attend, please send your request or any questions to ScienceCafe@Clarkson.edu or visit http://www.clarkson.edu/sciencecafe for updates.


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