Potsdam Chamber Offers Free Marketing Opportunity for YOU!- Send us a video of your business!

The following message comes from the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce

Good Morning and Happy Monday!

This year, we will be bringing back the Town Wide Ugly Sweater Day that we started in 2019. This was a successful, no cost to businesses, relaxed, “event” that we hope will ignite the sense of community in Potsdam. Simply wear your favorite tacky sweater on December 16th!

We will also be teaming up with the Potsdam Public Library to feature a Virtual Village Lighting. Each year the Village of Potsdam lights up the trees in downtown Potsdam with string lights. This year the process will be featured in a fun video to share with you all. More details will be available soon. Along with this, we would like to feature videos of your businesses.

Please take a walk through with your cell phone or other video camera and capture what your business has to offer. You may feature your staff, your merchandise or anything that you want. Then email it to info@potsdamchamber.com. If you need assistance, the library has offered staff to come and record for you! Please contact us ASAP!

This will be completely free marketing for you! Please let us help!

We are also looking into our 12 Days of Potsdam Giveaway again this year. This social media promotion is wildly popular and brings an enormous amount of attention to your business. However, we understand that the pandemic has brought hardship to many. We are trying to get insight on if there would be interest in sponsoring giveaway prizes.

You’ll find more information on news and events in this email! You won’t regret taking a moment to scroll down! (If you have an update that you’d like shared on the e-blast, you can always send me the information too!)

If you have ANY business updates, events, sales, promotions, etc. PLEASE send them to me! I want to promote your business, but can’t do so properly if our office isn’t aware of everything you have going on. We are your resource.

Have a wonderful week!
Kurstin Stowell
Executive Director

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