Why you should share your scholarship with the public and how to do it well – TODAY from 1pm to 3pm

Why you should share your scholarship with the public, and how to do it well 

Attention faculty members and graduate students! Are you interested in sharing your research and areas of expertise with the public? Then join us for a special virtual session sponsored by ADVANCE STEM-LEAF and presented by an editor from The Conversation*.

Please join us today, December 1st from 1-3PM via Zoom (Link to event: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/95495920643?pwd=Nk45VDFXeG5vb0hJUzZRU1RpcnZjZz09).

The presentation will address

  • Why to talk to the media and how talking to the media can be important and valuable.
  • What do reporters actually want when they request to talk to you.
  • How to frame your research so that it resonates with broad audiences. 
  • Ways to craft your message so that it is heard and used.

If you have any questions, contact Amber Stephenson at astephen@clarkson.edu. If you’d like the event on your calendar please send an email to STEM LEAF’s Project Director, Sarah Treptow at streptow@clarkson.edu.

*Clarkson has partnered with The Conversation to promote our faculty as subject matter experts in your unique field of expertise. Each day they publish dozens of articles on timely topics such as COVID-19 and aerosols, where you sit in a room with COVID superspreaders, fake accounts on social media, and why a contested election won’t destroy American democracy, to name a few. They are always looking for new and unique ideas and stories from our faculty experts.  

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