Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Office for Faculty Achievement, we are pleased to announce that Clarkson University has joined the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) as an Institutional Member. The NCFDD is a nationally-recognized, independent organization that provides online career development and mentoring resources for faculty, post-docs, and graduate students.
They provide a variety of virtual programs and resources including:
· Weekly Monday Motivator
· Monthly Core Curriculum Webinars
· Monthly Guest Expert Webinars
· Access to Multi-Week Courses
· Access to Dissertation Success Curriculum for graduate students
· Private Discussion Forum for peer-mentoring, problem-solving, & moderated writing challenges
· Monthly accountability buddy matches
· Access to 14-Day Writing Challenges
· Access to the Member Library that includes past webinar materials, referrals, and readings
To claim your free Institutional Membership, complete the following steps:
1) Go to http://www.facultydiversity.org/join
2) Choose your institution from the drop-down menu.
3) Select “Activate my Membership”
4) Complete the registration form using your institutional email address (i.e. @clarkson.edu)
5) Go to your institution email to find a confirmation/welcome email. Click “Activate Account” in the email.
Please be sure to share with your research associates and post-doctoral fellows.
If you have any questions about the membership, please contact Chris Robinson, Associate Provost for Faculty Achievement, crobinso@clarkson.edu. If you have any technical questions, please email NCFDD at Membership@FacultyDiversity.org.