COVID-19 Read: Positive Cases to Report

Potsdam Campus Community,

Today we have  four positive COVID-19 cases to report from testing among members of our Potsdam campus community.  Like our announcement earlier this week, these are inclusive of individuals who have been in quarantine based on their social interactions in small group gatherings with a previous positive case.  

The testing results that came in today and earlier in the week underscore the importance for each of us to stick with the protocols for social distancing, simple hand washing practices and wearing a mask in gatherings of all sizes, and particularly indoor settings that are not with your immediate family unit (roommates for residential campus members.) 

For all of us who are looking forward to  returning to in-person classes and working on campus on Monday, our individual diligence and commitment to adhere to the social distancing, hygiene and mask protocols can make a big difference in stopping the spread of COVID-19.  Please avoid non-essential gatherings, stay masked up and stick to the game plan as we make our return next week and rebuild our bubble for a safe and healthy campus community.    

St. Lawrence County Public Health representatives are notified for each positive test result and with appropriate campus representatives, they will work with each individual who tests positive in a confidential setting and follow through with contact tracing. We wish them all good health.

We also report these in aggregate on our Dashboard and to NYS for its comprehensive reporting on all colleges.  Please keep completing the daily screening tool and contact the Health Center and quarantine if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.

We understand that announcements like this may cause concern.  If you have any questions about this communication, please contact and/or me.  

Thank you for doing your part to return to classes next week and being a part of this great Clarkson community.  

Kelly Chezum, VP for External Relations
Restart Communications Lead 

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