Faculty Research Reminders and Notification

Week of February 8, 2021 – PLEASE NOTE: 2 Events Scheduled Below

  • Research Coffee Hour – In this coffee hour we will discuss a number of initiatives in development with the internal Research Advisory Committee (iRAC), including a review of the draft revisions of the CU Discretionary Funds Use Guidance for faculty feedback, an upcoming pre-tenure faculty Covid-19 relief fund and fundraising initiative with DAR guests Matt Draper and Nicole Thomas; and brief updates on the Team Science initiative and the University Academic Space Committee.   

WHEN: Thursday, February 11th, 8:00 – 9:00 a.m – come for the hour or pop in for a few minutes as your schedule permits. 

WHERE: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/9228651856

WHO: Research faculty and staff All Campuses

  • If you do federal research or conduct research with foreign entities and/or have foreign collaborators, you should attend this information meeting.

Counterintelligence & Export Controls Campus Information Briefing – Protecting People and Information Both On and Off Campus – We have coordinated a briefing on counterintelligence and Export Control issues with special FBI agents who serve the higher education industry in upper NYS for our Deans, senior Administration, and research faculty.   

WHEN: Tuesday, February 16th, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. 

WHERE: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/94585828839

WHO: We are asking all research faculty and staffto attend this important campus briefing. 

For questions regarding this research announcement, please contact Shannon Robinson, AVP for Research & Tech Transfer, at srobinso@clarkson.edu.